What To Do With Business Cards You Collect

Open up a drawer and throw them in. Everybody knows that’s not what you should be doing with business cards you receive. Yet, I’ve done it. And I’m not alone. The more events you go to, the more cards you’ll collect. And having to deal with all those business cards can seem like an albatross […]

AEC Marketing: 10 Steps to Success

Many years ago, in response to an article I wrote in Marketer magazine, I was emailed by someone who was starting out as an AEC Marketer for an electrical designer/contractor in the Midwest. (NOTE: we refer to marketers in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry as “AEC marketers”). He asked me how you gain the […]

Should You Bring Your Card to Business Networking Events?

It is 11:37pm and I am on a train from Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia. I was just at the Washington D.C. Design and Construction business networking event. The event was held in Arlington, VA (you can learn more about the group at mydcn.com) During this event Tim Klabunde, of www.cofebuz.com fame, was laughing at the […]